Childhood. Story 1: Ant Bite

Memories of my childhood - I am brimming with them. I have decided to type them out one by one. 

This is the first story in the series. It's about a visit to the dentist when I must have been 6 or 7 years old. It was for a milk tooth extraction. 

I was taken to the dentist by my dad. We were in the officer's waiting room at the MH (Military Hospital) at Chandimandir Cantt, where achan (that's what I call dad) was posted at the time. So far, I remember enjoying my outing with achan. There were magazines with big colourful images to flip through and everyone was very proper and quiet - military style. But one gentleman and my dad got talking. I wasn't paying attention. Most adult conversations went over my head anyway.

At one point I realized this gentleman was addressing me. He said, "aapko dar nahi lag raha?" (aren't you afraid?)

I wasn't because I hadn't really thought about what exactly it was that I had signed up for. But this question made me concerned for the first time. He continued, " wont even feel the's nothing... it will be like just an ant-bite. ok? Good, brave girl!!". Some pep talk. It left me horrified. But he had ended with 'brave girl'. That sounded nice. I didn't want to protest now and risk changing that. But I became nervous as hell. 

With a little help from achan, I understood this had to be done and that it was for my good. So, I put up a brave front and sat through the whole procedure without a big fuss.  I remember the injection in my mouth. It felt exactly as I imagined an ant bite in my mouth would. 

Whatever did that uncle mean by "you wont feel a thing?". Grown-ups are strange. 


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