Prime Minister Who?

A while ago I had written this post expressing my views against Narendra Modi as PM. You can read it and the debate that ensued here.

As a post script to that post I had mentioned that while I was shooting NM down, I wasn't sure who else to nominate because I don't know enough. But that we should at least NOT pick someone with a track record of spurring riots.

Yesterday I came across a blog post that helps me out with that one.

Amith Prabhu's post Why Manmohan Singh is the Man makes perfect sense to me.

I am so impressed with all his posts that I have included his blog on my rather exclusive blog roll. :)

PS: People are protesting that Tytler got a free chit. Well, that's all that Tytler got right? There are others who got chief ministership and possible prime ministership post similar apathy towards communal disharmony.


mathew said…
check this post by a fav of blogger mine too.
Pooja Nair said…
thanks so much mathew! love her posts!
'But that we should at least NOT pick someone with a track record of spurring riots'
yes, yes, yes and yes.

i have a few posts on narendra modi - was scared to see the heat it generates.his popularity is scary.

btw, thanks for the compliments
@ mathew thanks to u too

pooja - a huge wow for your profile.
Pooja Nair said…
Delighted to see you here KPJ.

Have you see the movie Firaq? Its a distressing account of what the NM regime achieved in 2002.

His popularity is disgusting.

But everytime i write something about him, for all the criticism i get, I also get atleast two new commenters in agreement wiht me each time

It helps me keep the faith..:)

You know the Koo Klux Klan had/has its fanclub too!

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