High and (al)mighty

Is worship your way of connecting to God or your way of feeling superior amongst fellow people? Let me tell you why this question rose in my mind.

Yesterday, my uncle who came to town offered to take me to the temple. I love visiting places of worship. Not because God resides there but because peace and serenity live there. It has a calming effect and makes you think clearly. It helps you dispense negative feeling and leaves you purified. I have never interacted with God. I have no reason to place my faith in Him. I would rather credit these wonderful effects to the overall goodness that often exists amongst people within places of worship. Anyway, I happily agreed to join him to the temple.

However, soon I got a call regarding an early morning assignment because of which I needed to cancel the plan. So when he called immediately after to give me directions, I politely tried to refuse. But his self-righteousness got the better of him. Foe some reason, he felt he had the right to overlook all other factors and assume an authoritative position.

He took it upon himself to be offended on God’s behalf. If God really existed and had He really been disappointed, one should leave it to Him to teach me a lesson. However people like my uncle think it best to save God the trouble and take it upon themselves to have the honour.

My uncle asked me, “Why? We are going to the temple…” If you read between the lines, what he really meant was, “What was that? Did you not hear me? I think I said we were going to the TEMPLE! Did you just dare to make excuses to avoid that?”
To which I replied, “I know but I just got a call from the photographer that I need to report at 7 am at Andheri…it’s already 9 pm. I was hoping to just hit the bed straight away”
He seemed to not hear what I said at all. He was temporarily possessed by the feeling of being a demigod. “uhm…you come anyway”. I was shocked to say the least. I am a grown, self-sustaining adult. My own parents stopped demanding things of me years ago. Otherwise, he is a nice uncle and usually takes me out to nice dinners and things when he is in town. So, I quietly obliged.

It’s interesting how a religious man/woman feels superior to anyone who does not appear to be as religious.

It happens everywhere amongst religious people. They love boasting about the amount of effort, time and money they put into worship. Those that don’t do as much also feel guilty and grant the other the right to be superior. This uncle is representative of such people. They take pride in relating to all and sundry, the number of temples they have visited in the country and the hills they have climbed for the purpose etc. They even look down upon people who don’t.

Very few really pray for themselves. But my point really is how do educated people still believe in religious rituals. How does one blend the theories of science with that of myth and religion in one’s mind? Are they just seeking security in following the herd?


Some of Richard Dawkins' earlier books might interest you. Check them out. Admittedly, he's become a bit rabid and mad now but I guess that's an occupational hazard for the influential.
Pooja Nair said…
Yes, I've heard lots about him! Must pick up one of his books. Thanks uber!
meraj said…
religion vs rational thiinking is an age old debate. interestingly, (and i dont know how)some people can handle both simultaneously.

Being righteous (read feeling superior than others) about adhering to a certain philosophy is an unenlightened approach and is regularly reflected in a traditional / mass society like India. I can name it as 'Community mindset of the Theomaniacs'.
ankurindia said…
according to science we r pieace of minerals /chemicals ..can you accept we r just some chemical substance if you do no need to trust on god .. but trust me scientists those who have determined such theories must have good faith on god .. because to be successful you need stable mind which only religion can give you
Anonymous said…
I find it simple to accept facts that are supported with evidence.

Why would God help scientists be successful in disproving the presence of God.

You seem very religious....ever wondered why you are not a scientist?
Anonymous said…
Dear Ankur,
I was going through your blog and i realised that your idea of faith in God actually translates into keeping alive hope and generally trusting that everything will be alright.

I apreciate that. That kind of faith is good.

But we must have the strength and fearlessness to accept what scientists reveal. There is no such thing as a God.

All the happenings in the world can be explained with believeble reasons instead of simply saying that it is the work of a 'super power'.

The concept of God was created centuries ago to explain things we could not explain. what casues earthquakes? why do people die? what casues disease? why do some people halucinate? what causes fires? etc

Today we know the reasons for all these and more. We no longer need to rely on something as inconvincing as the presence of a superpower that does all this magic.

We can not blame God or our lack of faith in Him for our failures. It is also unfair to credit God for our successes.

Anyway, these our my views. i hope you see the light too. i enjoyed your entry about laughter and happiness.
ankurindia said…
well i respect your thoughts and will not argue on it that weather god exists or not .. because neither i have seen you nor you ...same is true about science too those scientists just collected the facts and created a theory of evolution ...and trust me its about 6 yrs and i have not gone to temple and normally hesitate to go to temples ... but one thing that just force me to believe on god is ...read bible/geeta .. you know i personally know almost everyone who have faith in god are much more successful in life (exceptions exists) ..even latest version of motivational books like power of posotive thinking which claim they have changed life of millions are nothing mere copies of bible . and all religious places collect billions of dollars on name of god ( thats different issue that some use it to help others while other misuse it) ... so all i see is just advantages of believing in god ... but if i believe in scientific theory of evolution my mind will be full of questions and i will never get peace in my life which i really need.

Again no offence , these are just my thoughts not trying say you are right or wrong . Good luck
Abdulla Syed said…
Found you at ankur blog, Miss Chennai.

Great to meet somebody who would take "God or Gawd", sportingly.

I for one can't decide what. Zarathustra sounds great once the next movement 'Harun Yahya' sounds right.

All things aside , Nice blog.
Abdulla syed.
Interesting debate..

Recently, I was watching the 2007 Golf Masters and Zach Johnson won it just ahead of Tiger Woods. Zach, during the presentation ceremony, mentioned something to the effect, "I won because Jesus was with me, I could feel him with me during the entire match".

Ok, If Jesus (or in general God) does exist, would be really care if Zach Johnson won or Tiger Woods won? Come on, if at all God is deterministic and can influence outcomes, I am sure there are a million things more important than a golf open. Zach winning the tournament was a random event, which was satistically bound to happen, as Tiger isn't going to be winning every major.

Our human brain is not designed to discover randomness. We try to find, cause and effect, in cases when none exist. If only every, theologist and pseudo philosophers learn statistics, (and random events), the world will be in a much better place and probably we wouldn't be ascribing random events to the handiwork of a supernatural being.. ergo GOD.
meraj said…
interesting thought KD, but what Zach would have probably meant was that 'his faith in god' (which perhaps gives a certain kind of confidence...am saying perhaps perhaps because, i myslef dont have that faith) helped him win the game.

true about most human beings (as a result of high levels of intelligence than other species) wanting explanations for all things around him...god being the easiest one.
Dileep said…
This is my first visit into your blog. I would agree in the point that" we have to question our beliefs, especially on our spirtual and mental balance". if our will power gets a little support by believing in a supernatural being, its definitely encouraging aspect is my way of looking at it.
I do hate being in a crowded combine in the temple chanting prayers loudly, but I do like to visit occassionally , and not forced to be there.
As you have said, all of us not go to temples for praying for others,actually we go with our own problems. The other way of looking at it , is as you said to prove that I have seen many temples.
My mum hates my excuses for not being in the temple too. Often , I say my temple is my mind, which helps to sort my problems. But that way of looking at devotion is also narrow.
There need not be any particular reason as for devotion as there need not be in love.
But It helps me to be humble, by nature.. It gives me the understanding that I am one among the multitude of people I meet. It makes me feel sometimes I am helpless to change mindsets of multitude and convince them to my idea.

" Sometimes a conscious emptiness in mind, with a focused devotion for a noble cause" is good for helping me to unlearn, to become a different person from my self, to judge myself and others.
" sometimes it gives contentment" that there is no need to possess but " believe that I am one with life and embrace it with love"..
I feel i am not conveying the meaning ( as feeling superior_)....
I am just saying that
If we bend a little bit..it helps to understand with humility i am one among the numerous happenings in the world history " be happy with my being"
Unknown said…
Hi Pooja,

Enjoyed reading your reflections on god in "seeing things clearly". Candid and interesting style of writing. Keep writing and may all your dreams come true.

- Sudha from Calgary
Anonymous said…
Uh...well said!
Your blog makes for good reading
But I really want to say is this: I could have daaanced all night! And also, Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.
And lastly, No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky
Dileep said…
hi.. I liked your blogs.....so I read almost all.keep posting your new blogs...
Reetesh Khare said…
Reading all intellectuals here..and in general I have felt that when we come out with our opinions and thoughts backed by our experiences and instincts, its a blend of our quest as well as the ethos about anything or issue...

we are still very much in pursuit of a clear picture. but personally, i'm in sync with those who may or may not believe in existence of some entity called GOD or any superpower (which are actually too many, thanks to the variety of faiths) but are wise enough to not to use his/her name for every single individual's responsibilities.
Unknown said…
i do have a lot to talk to u on the subject.some thing i should have done during u r growing up yrs.its nvr too late & i do see it as a Godsend now!!!!! animals& birds don't have religion!!!ie to say religion is the figment of a higher developed brain--humans. it is a virtual thing,figment of imagination,that is shuttling between the make believe& real, a source of strength[all believers get some x-tra boost to their resources while having to tackle trying situations,the belief that i have a guardian- angel caring for me is actually generating the morale with in him to kindle up the resource from with-in to tide over ],it is a kind of opium that dulls the brain to potency of pain, during emotional upheavels,.when society evolved it required to be regularised ;again god was made use of ;threats of incurring the wrath of gods kept the flocks in order.all religions were conceived for the welfare of mankind,religion is a kind of placebo that is a source of succour to a vast majority of mankind simply on statistcs,scientifically spkng,here is the scoring point] basically.all religions preach only +ve things ,love ,brotherhood .peace it is the interpreters of the religious scriptures who have misused it wrecked havoc!!!.religion and rational thinking do go hand in hand. all the various self sustaining cycles of nature were explained as the works of god [coz the limited brained could not concieve the virtual things so a form was ascribed to it GOD!!! in other words god was mother nature the creator N destroyer[in hinduism each is personified and given a form so the lay man may find it easier to identify with it]religions can once again be brought to centre stage for the welfare of mankind by preaching that all gods of all religions are brothers n we r the followers of the preachings of brothers. it will make the world a better place to live, than by eleminating all religions all together. it may be a placebo ,but a source of succour n strength to most;let them revell in their opium , why snatch it away simply coz u can't relish it???

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