
Showing posts from January, 2007

The autorikshaw drivers of Mumbai

Wrote this 2 yrs ago but still holds relevance Auto Rickshaw drivers. By my self-imposed standards I can’t afford to meet one everyday. I usually use the cheaper and faster means of transport – the local trains. But then there are long days at the end of which all you want to do is jump on to something that will take you straight to your doorstep. Then there are days when you wake up feeling groggy and simply don’t have the energy to clamber on to a crowded train to get to office. On those days I get to interact with Autorikshaw drivers. You can never allow your mind to wander off, not for one minute when alone on a rickshaw. Because they are reckless drivers and sworn to take you through the most complicated route possible. Of course, this maximizes chances of getting lost but then that’s the idea. This naturally is followed by constantly having to stop by passer-bys (they prefer the ignorant looking ones) for directions. Until they’re satisfied. Then they take you straight to your de...

How would Gandhiji react to the offensive video that mocks him?

As I sat surfing channels idly few days ago, I stopped at a visual I didn't want to believe. It was news of a man (of Indian origin) making a mockery of Mahatma Gandhi. Yes the news stated that the video had created a national outrage and that the maker was asked to make a public apology. But it worried me nonetheless. There are too many people in our country today who are ignorant (or have forgotten what they learnt in history lessons in school) about India's struggle for freedom. They don't know that this lanky, bald old man was named the "father of the nation”. Even if they did their limited minds don't feel curious as to why a weak-looking old man with scanty clothes would be given such a huge status. It worried me that such people may actually find this video extremely funny. They may watch it repeatedly and laugh repeatedly. That aside, here's the lensewiping part: I exclaimed to my friends that I could shoot Gautham Prasad (the guy who made the film) dea...

Expanding Hill Road

No one seems happy about it? Think again. The news of the expansion of Hill Road in Mumbai created turbulence among all concerned. Hill road is basically a shopping area- more from street hawkers who sell everything from sports wear, party gowns, lingerie, trinkets, footwear, kitchen ware/cutlery….you name it! It also houses 100 yr old bungalows, a church and a school. The shop owners and the bungalow owners seem to have sadly swallowed the truth. But the school alumni and church goers have sustained their protests. They don’t see the requirement of a road exapansion that will eat into the children’s playground. They don’t want to spoil the face of hill road – there’s much nostalgia associated with it. I live in the vicinity and have to face the inconvenience of taking the longer route to my home since Hill road remains dug-up and closed to means of transport. As I walk down the road, all I would hear was people complaining about the situation. Once I heard someone say it’s going to ta...

Ready for Ambush

About crime, society and 24x7 news channels There are various layers of crimes that we as a country need to deal with. One layer emanates from the coalition of special interests as described by Bimal Jalan in “The Future of India”. Political leaders gained, and are still gaining from their control over the resources of the public sector enterprises. Workers in the organized sector gained from the political patronage enjoyed by them. Bureaucrats gained from the opportunities for corruption at various levels. Private sector entrepreneurs and contractors gained from their ability to influence government decisions in their favour. The evils sustained due to this include poverty, illiteracy, female oppression, corruption, etc. These can be attributed to the result of the myopic self-interests of certain people in power. The harm caused to the nation in turn is not a desired outcome but an inevitable side-effect. Another layer of crime is the kind of crime that is caused by misguided indiv...