Does she turn you on?

I have friends who would get turned on by her just by virtue of the fact that she is in a Burkha . So, why again are women given directives as to how they must dress? The bigger question is: Why should a woman's respectability depend on her choice of clothing? What is respect? Some cultures forbid a woman from showing any part of her body because according to them only such women get "respect" In other cultures, a display of arms, legs and the slightest of cleavage is forbidden for the same reason. So much so, that a man's misbehaviour is often justified by saying that the woman was dressed provocatively. But, who is to define what provokes evil? What turns on men? I know of men who find no appeal in women who reveal all. On the contrary the mystery of a Burkha drives them mad. Some get turned on by vulnerability. Others by brazenness. No harm with getting turned on. But why should getting 'turned on' or 'turned off' get translated into disrespect fo...