Some people think Narendra Modi should be India's PM. Here’s why I disagree. Whatever arguments, one may have in favour of him, we need to face it - certain truths about him can not be brushed under the carpet. Let us clearly understand that those who support Modi are in fact in favour of everything he stands for. 1) Modi belongs to the tribe that subscribes to the belief system that works with a vision, towards a "hindu rashtra". Where Muslims and Christians and whoever else need to understand and accept their proper place in the system. (for “good” reason of course based on a few actual and a few doctored historic facts) 2) He is capable of stooping to inhuman levels for this. And he is capable of not feeling any remorse for the tragedy. He claims it to be a "natural reaction". 3) Modi is capable of and does in fact see qualities that are worth admiring in Hitler. Gujrat will flourish even without Modi. The nation too, is and will continue to progress even wit...